Warriors Trivia Wiki

Graystripe is a long haired,[1] dark[2] gray tom[3] with a stripe of darker gray fur running down his back, a torn left ear,[4] a bushy tail, and yellow eyes.[5]


  • Meets a kittypet named Rusty on his first apprentice mission.
  • Becomes friends with the former kittypet now called Firepaw.


  • In Fire and Ice he goes with Fireheart to find WindClan.
  • He falls into the river and nearly drowns but his life is saved by a RiverClan cat named Silverstream.
  • Graystripe and Silverstream start to meet in secret, falling in love.
  • He tells Fireheart that Silverstream is having his kits.
  • Graystripe is seen mourning and crying over Silverstream after she dies bearing her kits.
  • In Dawn, he is captured by twolegs during the destruction of the Forest while freeing Brightheart from the cages

Other Ranks[]


  • Is taken to a twoleg den after he was captured.
  • Meets an aggresive kittypet named Duke, who he fights and loses. Graystripe begins to wonder if he had gotten too soft to fight.
  • Finds Millie and she later decides to come with him to find his Clan.


  • Fought in the battle against the Dark Forest.
  • Fought in the battle against BloodClan


  • Graystripe's mother is Willowpelt.
  • Graystripe's father is Patchpelt.
  • Graystripe's mates are Silverstream(formerly) and Millie.
  • Graystripe's daughters are Briarlight, Feathertail, and Blossomfall.
  • Graystripe's sons are Bumblestripe and Stormfur.
  • Graystripe's half-sister is Sorreltail.
  • Graystripe's half-brothers are Darkstripe, Longtail, Sootfur, and Rainwhisker.


  • In Into the Wild, Firestar mentions that Graystripe was a kitten but his name was Graypaw, so he wasn't a kitten then.
  • In Into the Wild, he was accidently called Grewpaw.
  • He has been mentioned with amber eyes.
  • He has been mistakenly with green eyes. 


References and Citations[]

  1. Into the Wild, page 121
  2. Fire and Ice, page 40
  3. Into the Wild, allegiances
  4. The Sight, page 143
  5. Into the Wild, page 14